25 Classic kiddies pictures to Watch with the Family  Watch with the a

 Is your family movie night in need of a punch of duende? From cherished classics to animated flicks to new releases, this home depot health check list of 25 must- see flicks has you covered. Which bone

 will come the most requested family favorite? 

There is only one way to find out. 

 Annie( 1982)- Annie, a redheaded orphan, leaves the teary orphanage to go live with millionaire Daddy Warbucks and his staff. It looks like the perfect ending when Annie’s” real” parents show up to take her home, but Annie is not so sure. 

 Mary Poppins( 1964)- When the Banks children, Jane and Michael, put an announcement in the original paper in hunt of a new nurse, Mary Poppins arrives on the scene with magic, music and an indelible group of musketeers. 

 The Muppet Movie( 1979)- After a meeting with a movie Napoleon, Kermit the Frog makes his way to Hollywood in hunt of fame and fortune. Along the way he meets classic Muppet characters including Fozzie Bear, Gonzo and Miss Piggy, who join him on his adventure. 

 Emmet Otter’s Jug- Band Christmas( 1977)- It’s Christmas and the Otter family has fallen on hard times. When they hear about a gift contest with a$ 50 cash prize, they decide to enter. The songs are catchy and the early puppetry is fascinating in this awful film produced and directed by Jim Henson. 

 Herbie The Love Bug bottled and jarred packaged goods ( 1968)- When the plum-white, fabric- sunroofed 1963 Volkswagen contending Beetle named Herbie and his cool motorist Jim Douglas win a auto race, they both discover that# 53 is ready for bigger adventures. 

 asset kiddies( 2001)- Two kiddies must come intelligencers to save their parents who are taken by an evil architect. Cool widgets and instigative action sequences are just a many reasons your kiddies are going to want to watch this one again and again. 

 101 Dalmatians( 1961)- This classic animated Disney movie tells the tale of a waste of spotted Dalmatian puppies and the evil Cruella de Vil who thinks they would look better as a fleece. When the villainess eventually catches the spotted doggies, the pups door a plan to break free. 

 The Sandlot( 1993)- This touching coming- of- age story takes place in the summer of 1962 when a new sprat moves to the neighborhood and meets a group of musketeers who love playing baseball and chancing trouble in the sandlot. 

 Toy Story( 1995)- Andy’s dream of getting a Buzz Lightyear action figure for his birthday come true, important to the chagrin of old favorite toy Woody. The playroom comes alive as the freshman and Woody battle it out for Andy’s affection, learning important assignments about fellowship along the way. 

 Fantasia( 1940)- The cherished Mickey Mouse stars in this animated classic that was groundbreaking in its day. While there’s no dialogue in this film, there are dancing mammoths in tutus, a recalcitrant broom and other memorable scenes set to classical music. 

 Goonies( 1985)- A group of neighborhood kiddies do not have long to save their homes from foreclosure. The result? Chancing corsair treasure, avoiding the bad guys and saving the day. This movie includes some foul language and is presumably stylish for tweens and aged. 

 Babe( 1995)- With the help of his proprietor, a small ranch gormandizer eventually realizes his big dream of getting a lamb driving canine. A great story for anyone who aspires to come commodity outside the ordinary 

 The Sword and the Stone( 1963)- Before he came one of the most cherished lords in English history, Arthur was a poor boy with lots to learn. With the help of a wizard named Merlin, Arthur finds his path and learns about love, kindness and frippery along the way. 

 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory( 1971)- Do yourself a favor and catch the original interpretation of this classic film, which takes golden ticket finder Charlie and his defective and funny companions through the magical delicacy plant of Willy Wonka. 

 Where the Red Fern Grows( 1974)- This story takes place in Oklahoma in the 1930s and tells the tale of a boy and his hunt to have his veritably own red- bone hound stalking tykes . A true man meets man’s stylish friend classic. 

 ET( 1982)- Learn what happens when an alien far from home is taken in by a suburban California family. A great preface to the wisdom fabrication kidney. 

 Heidi( 1937)- Do not miss the occasion to see this black- and-white film starring one of America’s treasures, Shirley Temple, who plays an orphan girl pulled from her forefather’s home in the mounts and forced to live with her minatory aunt. 

 The Last Starfighter( 1984)- Beating his favorite game was just the morning. Now avaricious gamer Alex Rogan must train with an elite group of Starfighters in a hunt to save the world. 

 Sound of Music( 1965)- A postulant leaves the safe harbor of the cloister to come a nurse to the seven children of nonmilitary officer Captain Georg von Trapp. Your family will be singing along with Julie Andrews and company in this can’t- miss classic. 

 Escape to Witch Mountain( 1975)- Two orphaned siblings with psychic powers are the target of a colluding millionaire until they escape his greedy clutches and the real adventure begins. 

 Wizard of Oz( 1939)- A misplaced girl from Kansas follows the unheroic slipup road with a Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion in hunt of the awful Wizard from Oz who she hopes can get her safely back home. 

 Bedknobs and Crops( 1971)- A witch- in- training, played by Angela Lansbury, enlists the help of three tricky children and a magical traveling bed in hunt of a missing spell to help Britain win the war. 

 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang( 1968)- Eccentric American innovator Caractacus Potts, played by Dick Van Dyke, rebuilds the family roadster to float, fly and drive on the open road. Adventure is around every corner as the auto easily has a mind of its own. 

 Jungle Book( 1967)- This animated jungle movie about Mowgli, a child raised in the Indian jungle by wolves, will have your family singing and dancing to cherished melodies including” Bear musts” and” IWa’Na Be Like You.” When the evil barracuda Shere Khan arrives on the scene, his musketeers Bagheera the catamount and Baloo the bear try to move him to leave the jungle. 

 Born Free( 1966)- The whole family is going to love this true story of an English couple who borrow a pet lioness, Elsa, and educate her how to survive in the wild to avoid life in prison. The title song and film score both won Academy Awards. 

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